Barbora Večeřová

Mgr. Barbora Večeřová

I am a graduate of the world's leading school of Energy Medicine founded by Dr. Albert Villold PhD. and I also cooperate with this international school in the Czech and Slovak Republic as Academic Advisor.


I originally come from České Budějovice, I graduated from the gymnasium and then from the Faculty of German at Charles University in Prague. For several years I taught at the Academy of Performing Arts and later, by a twist of fate, I became a co-founder of the concern Všeobecný lékař (General Physician), where I am now retiring from my job in order to fully devote myself to energy medicine as a lecturer. I love to bring groups of people together energetically and you can book a real team building or any energy seminar with me tailored to your needs:-) Of course, I am also available for traditional sessions and professional consultations in the field of energy work.

Besides working with energy, I also like to play sports and write humorous literature, because not only energy medicine, but also laughter heals.

However, I have always wondered how is it possible that one person has supernatural abilities and the other person has none.. How is it possible to become a healer? Did the healer have to be born that way? Did he have to experience something special? Why do some people see more than others? Why is someone an average doctor and another a brilliant doctor? What does the brilliant doctor do differently? Why someone experiences spontaneous remission = miraculous recovery and the other person is out of luck?

Ze zvědavosti jsem absolvovala řadu seminářů online i prezenčně jak u Českých tak především u zahraničních lektorů. Namátkou Ing. Petr Velechovský, Eva Elxa, MUDr. Joe Dispenza, Clemens Kuby, MUDr. Ruediger Dahlke, Bruce Lipton, Luise Hay, Dr. Gregg Braden, Donald Walsch, Denisa Riha Palečková, Adam Barley, dr. Alberto Villoldo, Regan Hyllier a další.

For me the highlight behind this period of information collection was made by the comprehensive full-time study of Energy Medicine by dr. Alberto Villoldo PhD. The four Winds school. With the experience and knowledge of this studies I finally became a therapist of energy medicine and shaman.

And I can hereby inform you, that energy work can be learned in the same way as for example German or French. There is no need to "be born a special way". However, you need to have the courage to be different, to be able to listen to your inner voice and to have good guides and teachers who will show you how to work with energy properly.

I studied energy work in Czech republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, but I also attended seminars in Peru, where I learned the ways of working directly from shamans from the Andean region. I am still in contact with my foreign colleagues, especially with the graduates of the educational program of Thefourwinds Albert Villold school. That's why I'm also in the process of setting up a website, where you will be able to clearly see what modern shamans actually look like and where they live and how you can contact them.

Modern shamanism is no gloomy rattling of a rattle in a seedy mud hut, as people in Europe usually imagine.

It's not even about religion. 

It is about working with pure energy with the best intention for all involved. The methods can be successfully used by a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim and an atheist...

In the modern Western concept, this is more like a wellness session, during which the shaman-therapist does not primarily deal with your body, but with the energy of your body, which affects not only the overall condition of your physical organism, but also your psyche, emotions and experience of situations in life. The therapist can very effectively let the client find the cause of the problem and eliminate it. As a result, a process of healing/treatment of body and spirit can occur.

Working with energy can be learned by absolutely everyone, including you. Because:

You are genious!